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What We Do
We have a variety of service formats including traditional sermons, extended worship, all age services and community days. Our talks are uploaded here.
The style of our worship varies from week to week featuring both contemporary worship songs and older hymns. Our times of worship are often interspersed with words of prophecy, Bible readings and sharing of personal testimonies from within the church family as the Holy Spirit leads.
We meet to pray before the service at 10 am at St Michael’s. We spend time praying for the service and also to pray for our Church, our Leadership, the advancement of God’s Kingdom, ministries and upcoming events within the church and other churches in Exeter.
We have homegroups meeting every other week. They have a social and family feel and provide space to open God's word together in the week. Weekday support is also provided to church members by our care team.
Throughout the year we run bible study courses such as Living Christianity and the Alpha Course.
Our vision is for each child to know Jesus and make him known, to grow and respond to the Holy Spirit, and to fulfil the call and destiny of God upon their lives.
Babies & Toddlers
We run a Baby & Toddler group on Friday afternoon at the Heavitree Park Life Hub - 1:30- 3pm during term times.
This is a lovely small group (great for first time mums or anxious parents) No need to book a place just pop along for some play, cuppa & chat & some singing. £2 voluntary donation.
More info: email - Rosie Le Puill
Children's & Families Worker City Community Church.
Kids - (up to 10 years)
All children stay in the service until 11am before heading to their groups to enjoy Bible stories, craft, games and worship together. Forest church is also held every half term with the 12.2s. We also have our own Facebook page, or you can click here to see details of our upcoming events.
Youth - 12.2s (11-18 years)
Young people stay in the service until 11am before their group with teaching, games and hot chocolate. They also do community days, forest church and encourage young people to serve in different areas of the church. There is a strong focus on discipleship, teaching, developing gifts and supported involvement in church life. Opportunities for mentorship are available and frequent socials organised to hang out together.
We welcome students at all stages. We encourage students to develop their gifts through involvement in church community and have monthly bring and share lunches providing great opportunity for food.
Many church members are involved in community initiatives such as:
Street Pastors
Park Life
We have termly Community Days where we head out into Heavitree on a Sunday morning to bless our local community through prayer and activities such as litter picks and singing for the elderly.
We run regular socials such as men's breakfast, skittles, quizzes, youth parties and a yearly weekend away. We also have monthly bring and share lunches following the Sunday morning service.
What We Do: Leadership
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